Welcome Future Member

Select the tier that is right for you

How will you be using this service?

Access files that have been shared with you

Set up a FREE account to receive files from Heir Tight users.

Access files that have been shared with you
Hidden Files (Choose which files are visible to other users you are sharing with}


Request Access to others Users files


This is Best for Video and Larger Files

Access files that have been shared with you
Hidden Files (Choose which files are visible to other users you are sharing with}


Request Access to others Users files


Do you have a referral code?

Referral Code 

Tell us about yourself.


What would you like your password to be?

Repeat Password

We require a strong password of at least 8 characters, containing at lease 2 of the following rules:
— A mixture of both uppecase and lowercase letters
— A mixture of letters and numbers
— Inclusion of at least one special characters, e.g., ! @ # ? ]

Since you picked a plan that requires payment, let's get your payment details.

Payment Amount
Subscribing to
Name on Card
Card Number
Expiry Date
Security Code

Perfect! Now click "Sign Up" to register for your Heir Tight account.